So, once you’re ready, how do you activate a power of attorney?
Make a copy or two
The first thing you should do is get a certified copy of the LPA. A solicitor can make one up for you for £15 to £35. This means you can hold on to the original and send the copy out to whoever needs to see it.
Figure out who to notify
Make a list of all the organisations and people that look after the donor. On the financial side, think about:
- Banks
- Mortgage providers / landlords
- Pension providers
- The department of work and pensions, if collecting a government pension or benefit
- Utility companies (water, gas, electricity, internet etc)
- Insurance providers
- Investment portfolio managers
- And if it’s a health and welfare LPA, consider:
- Friends and family members
- Doctors and other healthcare professionals looking after them
- Care workers, social workers and other social care staff
- To take over from the donor, you’ll need to let these organisations and people know what’s going on. Some will want to see proof, which brings us to the next part…
Notify people and organisations to start activating the power of attorney
While you can tell friends and family with a quick phone call, financial organisations (like banks) will need proof that you really do have power of attorney.
This is understandable — you wouldn’t want just anyone to be able to turn up and access your account. We recommend approaching the bank this way:
Visit the website to see what the process for activating a power of attorney is. Print off the relevant pages to bring with you in-branch, or save the link on your phone to show staff later.
Go in branch, bringing the printed pages, a valid ID (passport, driver’s license), and proof of address (a utility bill or a council tax bill).
If the staff at the desk haven’t heard of an LPA or don’t know how to activate a power of attorney, show them the page from the website or ask to speak to the person who looks after power of attorney questions.
Depending on the bank and any limits of your powers in the LPA, they may give you access to the donor’s account online or a debit card. If they aren’t providing you with the access you need to easily help the donor, don’t be afraid to push back. You’re not doing anything wrong.
That said! Remember, as an attorney you have a duty to look out for the donor’s best interests. If the bank sees any transactions that don’t look right they may report you to the OPG.